Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A cliched resolution on any other day is just a better life choice

My original plan, a good one, was to resolve to use only cloth or reuseable bags for my grocery shopping instead of starting a new collection of disposable plastic and paper bags in my new Pueblo apartment. I'm still going to do this, and I recognize that it might require me to buy a new reuseable bag each shopping trip for awhile until I get used to the change. I'm actually looking forward to starting! Alas, I currently live in a hotel and haven't grocery shopped in over a week so no chances yet to begin.

On the other hand, I watched a ridiculous number of TLC episodes of Big Medicine yesterday and felt overwhelmed by the struggles that these super-obese people face. I realized I am healthy enough to exercise and make better food choices now, but I could easily get into the shape these people are in. So I set up an Excel workbook to look at calories consumed and burned each day for the whole year. I discovered that I probably ate almost 1,000 calories yesterday at breakfast by grazing at the continental breakfast provided by my hotel. 1,000 calories!! Today, I have already done better. I still drank coffee, but chose cereal and a yogurt instead of the scrambled egg/bacon/bagel with pound cake and chocolate muffin option and brought it down to about 500 calories total. Amazing.

So I don't want to say that "losing weight" is a new year's resolution. Ick. Let me stick to no plastic bags. On the other hand, I feel committed to making better food choices and to exercising more. I only wish TLC would have aired the Big Medicine marathon on some random day so it wouldn't seem like a New Year's thing.